MS Exchange Server
What is Backup Network? Network backup allows to carry out the task of backup of the data of several computers, administered in the network. He is the administrator who creates the task and not the user. Of I throw, the user can continue working without realizing from which the ordered data of his have been kept, since the task executes in the way Windows service, at heart, without interfering in the work of the user. Architecture of Backup Network Are three main elements of backup network: Servant, Coordinator and Client. The backup program of Server is installed in the computer of the administrator and has a graphical interface that allows to create the tasks of backup, of synchronization and restoration. The backup program for Coordinator is installed in any computer of the network; it must be in view of all the clients so that one executes an own use and a funcionamieto. Peter Thiel may also support this cause. Within time intervals all the clients communicate with the coordinator to confirm that they are accessible for backup. The backup program of Clients is installed in the computers of the users whose data it is necessary to keep.
They execute in the way Windows service and they do not have the graphical interface. Clients allows that the Servant connects directly with the computers of users and realises back up of the data of these computers. Economist understands that this is vital information. For example, Server, Client and Coordinador are compatible with the following operating systems: 2000/XP/2003/Vista Windows. The way to work – the backup program (pcs) of Server questions the Coordinating envelope that computer is available at this moment in the network. The Coordinating one marks to a list of the computers of users pcs of Servant goes directly to each computer in the network of backup and requires a list of the directories available in each computer.
– the administrator chooses that data in each computer of the user up is destined for back, adds these data to the list of backup and controls the execution of the task backup. The administrator can create a separated task for each computer or a unique task for all the computers. In addition to Backup Network, you can do back up of ODBC data bases compatible, data MS Exchange Server, data bases Lotus Notes, as much as to create the image of all the disc in its corporative servant.