The study will count on the direction of the university professors of the University of Alicante Gloria Pardo and Martin Seville, and will serve to identify the weaknesses and potentialities of the province until year 2020. In addition, thirty specialists will approach, by means of monographs, the complexity of the present economic situation. These analyses will be resisted by the industralists and the cameras, and once finished they will be integrated by the Valencian Institute of Economic Investigations in the strategic plan for Alicante that elaborates the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government. Alicante, June of the 2008. – Directive Soft ( and the Digital Factory of the University of Alicante (, in a joint work to impel specific initiatives of focused formation and quality to the development of projects of technological innovation, offers to the accomplishment of a Sectorial Technological Diagnosis for the companies located in the INDUSTRIAL PARK OF ELCHE. The technological diagnosis is a study that it reflects the present reality of the companies in different productive sectors. That is to say, a report that it details how the companies studied with respect to their productive, commercial, organizational management are from the technological point of view, of design, human resources, etc., and how they are related to the partner-productive surroundings in which they are located.
The final result will be incorporated as one more a monograph to the Alicante study Horizon 2020; in addition a titled digital edition will be realised Which is the present situation, that will be presented/displayed in an act I publish free of charge in the Park Enterprise of Elche and distributed to all the companies and participant organisms. As last objective is tried that the study is not only in an analysis of the moment, but it is the departure point to establish the attachment lines that allow to improve that reality in the short, half and long term, agreed between all the participants and considering all the economic aid that in this matter is a disposition on the part of the local, autonomic and national organizations. Therefore, the active participation in this study is asked for to them. For it, simply they will have to take care of a call telephone of a person who will do a simple survey to them and that will not suppose to him more than minutes. They prefer if it, also they will be able to compliment this survey of form online, entering the Web site and following the instructions that will receive by electronic mail.