Electronic Data Interchange
The advance of information technology is dynamic, she has significantly affected in trade scenarios, in the dynamics of the companies, especially in the role of markets, leading to general management, companies, are best located within the modern behavior of function of market demand to ensure conquest of new consumers, their needs, achievements. Precisely, thanks to the Internet to reach and impact within the e-commerce for example, we cannot ignore its role, what is bequeathing to the company that uses it and as through he can reach the conquest of consumers favoring the company in relation to the offer, acquisition, purchase of products, services offered. Professor of marketing from the graduate program of the speciality of management of the quality and productivity of Faces, Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, within its program makes great emphasis that participants delve into the content, scope, impact which generates trade B2C, this debate their applicability, results that are achieved and propose suggestions, solutions with regard to the weaknesses, barriers faced by many times. Encyclopedia Wikipedia gives us very good information on the subject and emphasizes, that consideration be given to the meaning of the term e-commerce has changed over time. Originally, electronic commerce meant the transmission of information concerning commercial transactions electronically, typically using technology as the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), presented at the end of the 1970s to electronically send documents such as purchase orders or invoices. Later went on to include activities that would be more precisely called trade network, such as the purchase of goods and services through the World Wide Web via secure servers (see HTTPS, a Protocol on special server which encrypts confidential make orders for the protection of) consumers and the Organization’s data) using electronic payment such as authorizations for credit card services or purses electronic. B2B has been also driven by the creation of portals for group buyers.