Much has been written already about marketing of products, rather than on services marketing. This is something disproportionate in comparison to the composition of world GDP in which case services doubles outperforms products. Do then why not been written both or more on services marketing? The marketing of services that of products is really, quite more complex but basically everything is marketing then turn to shred a little theme. One of the main peculiarities that we are talking about marketing services is the great diversity of services that exist in the market. In fact the ratings that have been made about these are abundant and diverse, but are going to differentiate between them at a general level in the following manner: services whose enjoyment is linked to the existence of a tangible product, both consumer and industrial. (Distribution, technical services, financial services, etc).
Supporting services for the purchase of a tangible product. (Services of maintenance, alarms and surveillance, etc.). Services that are They traded regardless of any type of tangible product. (Consulting, communication, advice, doctors, lawyers, etc.). Once listed the different types of services that we can find at the generic level, would reel off four differentiating features of services: intangibility: services are more intangible than tangible. As a consequence is more difficult to protect with patents and they are therefore more likely to be copied.
Also it is more complicated pricing objectives that satisfy all parties. Inseparability: Between production and sales. Indeed, services in general are simultaneously produced and sold, dandose a direct relationship with the user that facilitates direct and immediately know the satisfaction with the service received. Variability: In the provision of services, they are less estandarizables and uniform, which makes it difficult to control the quality of them. Shelf life: services. Can not be stored, causing situations of demand irregular. It tends to be harder to inventory them, post your value and reflect this in the balance sheet of the company. All these peculiarities mentioned by Santesmases in 1994 primarily affect the following aspects: strategy of distribution services. Generally direct sale. Pricing strategy. To be less estandarizables, prices may differ more. Sales strategy. While the focus of selling a product is bringing the product to market, a service is more to organize before the market of customers and needs. Products and services strategy. In the case of services not used containers or other employable variables for the marketing of products. Communication strategy. It is an important variable to generate confidence in consumers. Moreover, concepts and marketing techniques used for tangible products, are perfectly valid for marketing services. For example: marketing concept: and all that it implies is the same as that of the products. Market research: are apply the same qualitative and quantitative techniques. Business planning: provides the same instruments that are relevant for both products and services alike. Systematics in decision-making: is the same for both cases. Quality of service: an increasingly important factor for products and services alike. Criteria for formulating objectives and strategies: equally for both cases. Finally I should mention that consumer markets and industrial markets are given in the marketing of services as well as the marketing of products.