The method based for the semiotics if constituted through verbal sources (focal groups) by means of interview. E, to say itself of this importance of the communication and the use of the radiofnica language was, also, permissible the search of comparison between the programs goes up cited. Beyond the study on the ideologies of the language and the speech and its power of persuasion we made comparisons of the language, transmitted for the programs; analysis of the profile of the listener and the characteristic of the information and its degree of importance/seduction. We also observe the relevance of the facts in the context and as the listeners if they arrest for the question of the hearing – as unconsciously they are motivated to this. We will also show, as the direct information appears emphasizing the daily Real of the people, omissive ahead of the facts who shock the society, not perceiving the subtle invasion, indirectly, seen for a form of social repression that is not preset by legal organizations. But, that ahead of the neutrality it imprisons the points of view, of which many of them if do not feel free to explicitar its details, that is, to display its opinions, for fearing the represrias. We have knowledge of that, today, some projects already had been servant, as half to insert the radio also to the reach of the education, also, already it exists partnerships and programs that develop this type of work through the comunitris radios. We can cite NCE USP? as Nucleus of communication and Education of So Paulo that develops the Educomunicao work, visa of this form, the radio is had as center of a category that spreads culture/knowledge. Not obstante, all this apparatus of information and knowledge that can be transmitted through the radio we will not be able to forget that it is fruit of a social project, therefore, to mention its positive points fronts the community is something that becomes sufficiently relative and depends only on the category of radio that if is speaking.