Actually, if we decided on the relevance of the thesis, it would be logical to move to the formulation of objectives to undertake research. However, in order to will need to compile and list of tasks to be accomplished in accordance with this objective. This is usually done in the form of transfers (to study that and then some, to describe, install, figure out a formula to derive, analyze, show, etc.). The wording of the tasks should be very careful study, because the description of their solutions should reach the contents of chapters of the dissertation (with a given logic drawing of you probably have encountered when writing his diploma). Drawing task is especially important because the headings and subheadings chapters of the dissertation is born of them. Next, we formulate the object and subject of study. The object is a process or phenomenon, generating problematic situation and selected for study. Subject – is always the object.
As you may recall, object and subject of study as a category of the scientific process is always consistent with each other as a general and particular. It subject of study determines the topic of the thesis, which is designated on the title page as its title. Very important stage of work is the choice of research methods that serve as a tool in obtaining factual material, as a prerequisite for achieving the goal in this work. Description of the research process – the main part of the thesis, which highlights the methodology and technology studies using the laws of logic. An important phase of scientific research is a discussion of its results, which is conducted at meetings of profiling Chairs, Academic Council, at meetings, which provides a preliminary assessment Theoretical and practical value of the dissertation and a collective review. The final stage of the research are the findings that contain something new and significant, which makes scientific and practical results of the thesis. Thus, the name is always at hand the logic circuit, composed at first, working on his thesis, we believe, will go more smoothly.