Make backup copies needed. Everyone knows that. But in practice it is running low. Need a capacious backup server, a program for creating backups and the ability to manage it all. I propose to consider a decision on the basis of cheap NAS-drive D-Link DNS-323 and free software. I understand that many system administrators smile: to put a little box NAS-drive instead of a full server? But do not rush to conclusions.
Described solution fully satisfy the organization to fifty computers. The general principle is as follows: – All computers are connected to the network – a network drive D-Link DNS-323 is also connected to the network – a network drive create a folder called BACKUP for copies, and a folder for USERS The other files – each computer backs up and dumps it on the NAS-device in the folder BACKUP; – BACKUP folder is accessible only to the network administrator, users do not see this folder, here we will not describe the installation process Network Storage D-Link DNS-323. Box hard drive, the formatting, setting up – all this is quite detailed in the instructions, as well as posted on the Internet. We mention only some important points. Firstly, in our device used firmware (firmware) version 1.03, which we shall consider. Second, hard drive assigned labels 'Volume_1' and 'Volume_2'. Third, the device named 'DNS-323' and the IP-address All these parameters can be viewed on the tab 'STATUS' and change tab 'SETUP'. Thus, all the equipment in the network, start Setup Enter the page controls D-Link DNS-323.