“CityPraxen Berlin: varicose veins, varicose veins, spider veins, varicose veins are not just a blemish”, but have significant disease value. In advanced stages, thickened veins stand out increasingly in its typical windy and branched shape and can cause leg swelling and skin damage. Varicose veins (varices) caused by the Scriptures wall degeneration in superficial veins (so called Bindegewebsschwache). You are very common: around 30% of women and 20% of all men develop therapy-needy varicose veins in the course of their lives. The classical surgical treatment method is the so-called stripping for over 100 years.
Thereby, the varicose vein is pulled out mentioned instrument out of his leg with a stripper. Later, this procedure was still connected to a radical mastectomy of cross at all in the bar which branches of the superficial veins are prevented. Since the beginning of the 90-ies one, as in other medical areas also began testing less radical and largely unblutiger so-called minimally invasive methods. These procedures, the varicose vein is not removed, but probed through a puncture and treated from the inside. Either through exposure to heat (laser, radio waves) or chemically (Mirko foam) the wall of the varicose vein is changed so, that there is a bonding of the vein. Then after some time, the contracted vein will be dismantled by the body itself. These new procedures were carried out already millions of times worldwide.
The intervention be carried out usually as an outpatient and show equal or even better long-term success as the classic operation with lower complication rates. It is also a decisive advantage that the patient can stand up then right back so Dr. Susanne Schulz, Angiologin at the Berlin CityPraxen. More information on this and other medical topics can be found under citypraxen.de. As one of the first German institutions at all, the CityPraxen Berlin offer disease pictures on your homepage under the heading”a comprehensive catalogue of all common To diseases. Contact: News Center CityPraxen Irina Rumyantseva Berlin Friedrichstrasse 180 D-10117 Berlin CityPraxen Berlin management: Priv.-Doz.. Dr.