CHIP online tested the browsers of seven current smartphones in the UMTS-live network of Nash technologies Nuremberg / Munich, June 1, 2010 – at the latest with the nationwide spread of the 4th generation of mobile LTE (long term evolution) will crack big time: with the ever-growing traffic in mobile networks, smartphones are becoming increasingly attractive. The leading mobile magazine CHIP online using the Nuremberg Nash technologies GmbH the surfing speed and efficiency of data transfer of seven current models under the microscope took. Nash Technologies, 2008 emerged from the research and Development Department of the network operators, Alcatel-Lucent, his covering 25 square kilometres and unique in Europe UMTS-live network, in which simulates a real mobile radio environment and a wide range of conditions and tested new products on stability and performance is presented for the test series. The network in addition to UMTS and HSPA + already supports the HSPA +-technology and is equipped controllers (RNC) as well as a complete core network with 15 radio cells, five NodeBs (UMTS base stations), three radio network. It allows among others access to applications such as SMS Center, MMS services, streaming, voice mail, SIP and VoIP capabilities, A GPS or IMS-based services.
Test and you not only see how behaves a product under different load profiles, in the Centre or on the highway, but also, as the network responds. Errors can be found so much easier”, explains Dirk Zetzsche, Director at Nash Technologies, the advantages of the private test network of company belonging to the Harvey Nash Gruppe. Chip online test were a typical mobile site with low graphical demands, the CHIP homepage including eventually a complex site with nearly 5,000 table elements, as well as numerous photos filed under other three predefined, static Web sites on servers within the Nash test network. Then were different network situations with changing Data volumes simulated within a UMTS cell.