In the last days, the world comes intently observing the radioactive problems that had appeared in Japan, due to the happened natural accident in that small country. He is not of today that the North American model of life influences countries in all the continents generating consumption excess, causing a necessity in the magnifying of the natural energy production. To supply this lack, forms of alternative energies had been created having as one of the examples to the nuclear plants. The first idea of the nuclear reactions appeared in the dawn of 16 of July of 1945, when the first nuclear test of the history, carried through in the desert of Alomogordo, New Mexico occurred. Through the ideas of Albert Einstein that dealt with the conversion of mass in energy, some isotopes of certain chemical elements present the capacity to emit energy through its unstable nuclei in search of the nuclear stability. From now on it was observed by the scientists of the time to the possibility of the exploitation and transformation of this type of energy, not but for warlike ends as in the case of the atomic bombs, but for purposes that could have one better exploitation in the day the day of the people. But what it is a nuclear plant? ' ' A Nuclear Plant is an industrial installation used to produce electricity from nuclear energy, that if characterizes for the use of radioactive materials that through a nuclear reaction produce heat. This heat is used by a conventional thermodynamic cycle to move an alternator and to produce energy eltrica' '. (1) the nuclear central offices present one or more reactors, that are impermeable compartments to the radiation, in whose interior mineral bars or other configurations are placed geometric with some radioactive element (in general the Uranian one). In the process of radioactive decomposition, if it establishes a reaction in chain that is supported and moderate by means of the use of elements auxiliary, depending on the type of employed technology.